Struggling with Loyalty
Top 5 Reasons why your Loyalty Program is struggling
February 2020
Written by Pete HowroydÂ
Is your Loyalty program struggling to hold its own? Check out these top tips to help you get your program back on track
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1) The program proposition is too complex
Simplicity is the key, don’t try and get clever with your proposition and make it so confusing you need a degree from Stamford to understand it. Customers like to know how to use the program and what they get for using it in a matter of seconds. If it takes 5 minutes to understand your
program then you need to simplify your proposition.
2) Communication is not relevant
It still kills me to see businesses sending out communication which it not relevant to their customer base. This was ok about 10 years ago but not anymore. If you want to keep your customers, add targeting criteria to every communication you send. I recently got a promotion for dog food by email but I don’t have a dog and I unsubscribed immediately.
Over the years I have worked with all kinds of brands adding this very capability and not only does it make your customer happy but it increases your sales! You want some of that right?
3) Rewards are not strong enough
Let's not pretend consumers these days don’t know what’s going on. Customers join a loyalty program knowing they will get all sorts of communication and promotion but they also know they should get something in return, even Harvey Specter knows this (see previous post on my company page). Make your rewards appealing and appear to be BIG in value. No one likes to collect loyalty points for 10 years to get £5 off their shop.
Customers love experiences these days. I once worked with a brand who allowed customer to choose a reward for their birthday and it was the best campaign we ran all year! Add experiential rewards at every opportunity and you will go along way with your customer base.
4) Lack of innovation
Innovation is key in todays market to keep ahead of competition and keep in your customers line of sight. You might have some chunky brand heritage keeping you afloat but don’t worry it wont be long until someone else comes with a snazzy new piece of tech to knock you down a peg or two. Keep your eyes on the market especially in tech and ensure you are keeping up with the latest and greatest.
5) It's too hard to sign up
This is possibly my favourite bullet point but also the most frustrating. Everyone has experienced a sign up process whether that be for a loyalty card or online store which makes you want to chop off your own arm but there’s no need to be in this gang. Keep it simple, keep it quick and customers will happily sign up. Make sure your platforms are capable of handling your requirements and if not, change your platform. This is possible the biggest issue I’ve seen in my career and one which is so easily rectified. Don’t ask for too much information up front, instead have trigger communication ready to collect other bits of information which you may need, but don’t forget the customer wants something in return!
Well there you have it, 5 reason why loyalty programs are struggling in todays market!