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"The Tipping Point" White Paper from Upside

16th September 2021

Written by Tom Peace


"The Tipping Point of Loyalty" Report

"The Tipping Point" White Paper from Upside

16th September 2021

Written by Tom Peace

The battle for consumers’ time, attention and loyalty is fiercer than ever before and to a marketer this noise may seem all but impenetrable.

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At Upside, we analysed the spending habits of 7,500 consumers and conducted 120+ conversations with large national retailers in the UK. The feedback was consistent:

- Customer loyalty was heavily affected during lockdown and is proving hard to get back.
- National lockdowns have made it harder (if not impossible) to plan.
- Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) have gone up.
- Competition over the same scarce resources has increased.
- The impact of Brexit and - Covid on supply chains has been profound.
- The focus is on the quality of sales and margins, not just volume.

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