The Loyalty People are delighted to announce we are partnering with Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) Europe in 2024
9th January 2024
Written by Tom Peace
Recent Articles

June 2020
Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era

June 2020
Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era

June 2020
Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era
This is a fantastic collaboration between two established and thriving communities with a mutual interest in customer engagement, loyalty and recognition.
This partnership with see TLP and the IMA working together on exciting new content and promoting each others events. We know that there is a lot of synergy between our communities and we look forward to providing all our members with innovation and expert opinion.
Read on to find out more about IMA Europe - The only Trade association dedicated to the Incentive, Reward & Recognition Industry.
IMA Europe is all about B2B, they support their members by providing Quantifiable, Independent and Reliable sources of Incentive Marketing Information.
Their first event of 2024 takes place in Venice on February 8th and our Loyalty People community can access reduced rate tickets to attend, saving €175 off a standard ticket – HALF PRICE!.
Your Promo Code is LPCommunity24…..To access tickets, click below, select tickets and enter your promo code to reveal your reduced rate ticket.
Kick start the new year by immersing yourself with insights and trends from industry expert speakers and visionary’s at the IMA Europe Venice event on February 8th in the stunning Theatre of Palazzo Grassi.
Plus........ a plethora of networking opportunities.
Click on the link below to book
Agenda Sneak Peek
Round Table on Italian Market
Moderated by Rik Luttmer (Loyalty Chiefs) and including Andrea Verri (Amilon), Carlo Stefanini (Promarsa) and Gaetano Giannetto (Epipoli)
Expert Opinion Presenations
Prof. Cristina Ziliani – Associate Professor of Marketing, Università di Parma
• Evolution of loyalty management as a corporate growth strategy.
Prof . Emanuele Massagli - President of AIWA, Associazione italiana Welfare aziendale
• Welfare regulation in Italy, peculiarities compared to the rest of Europe
Alessandro Cavalleri – Founder & CEO of Texer
• Incentivising performance, different approaches between US and Europe
Franco Milazzo - CEO of The Newco
• How to get more revenues from digital rewards: data monetization in the Retail Media and Digital Advertising space. The NUROFEN case study.
Round Table of Retail Merchants
Moderated by Flora Leoni, Sales and Marketing Director - Carrefour
Merchants include:
• Calzedonia
• Trenitalia
• Airbnb
• Other TBC
We look forward to welcoming you all on February 8th 2024.
👉 Registration will be from 9.45am - Networking Tea/Coffee
👉 The schedule will commence at 10.30am
👉 Followed by lunch at 1.00pm
👉 Afternoon sessions will begin at 2.00pm - 6.00pm
👉 The event will be followed by a networking drinks reception from 6.00pm - 7.00pm.