Marketing Myths & The Facts
21st October 2021
Written by Tom Peace
Recent Articles

June 2020
Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era

June 2020
Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era

June 2020
Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era
1. Myth: Followers Matter
Fact: Only alongside engagement, conversion and reach figures.
Change your goal from sign-ups to conversions. Imagine rather than doubling the members of your loyalty scheme you doubled the engagement and redemption figures of your current members? You'd soon be seeing a larger benefit at a lower cost.
2. Myth: You need a loyalty programme for customers to keep coming back
Fact: there are many ways to foster loyalty outside a formal scheme.
Exceptional customer service, additional value, competitive pricing, unique product offerings, convenience and brand affinity keep customers coming back again and again. Big name brands that fill a niche don't need loyalty cards to gain loyal fans.
3. Myth: Loyalty is only for customers
Fact: Staff and stakeholder loyalty is just as important if not more.
Internal programmes such as training, discounts and wellbeing initiatives give your internal teams the motivation to emotionally buy-into the brand, be more passionate about the products and service, become brand ambassadors and ultimately sell more!