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Read our LATEST Whitepaper in conjunction with Comarch on Airline Loyalty

19th May 2023

Written by Tom Peace


Read our LATEST Whitepaper in conjunction with Comarch on Airline Loyalty

19th May 2023

Written by Tom Peace

Latest Whitepaper Release

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The Loyalty People are working with our partner Comarch to deliver a series of 6 sector whitepapers that provide invaluable insight into specific challenges and solutions to drive customer engagement and profitable growth.

Our fourth whitepaper on Airline Loyalty, has been written by Dan Martin, our sector expert.

This whitepaper considers how the airline industry's loyalty landscape is changing. Along side Dan, Cezary Kryskiewicz from Comarch will also be providing valuable insights in this whitepaper.

Dan has over 20 years of developing loyalty and CRM strategies for major travel companies like as British Airways, Accor, and Singapore Airlines. Dan was responsible for establishing Qatar Airways' NEW worldwide loyalty programme. Recently, Dan designed the Halfords Motoring Club plan and established the Club Avanti programme for Avanti West Coast, a UK rail operator.

We will have two remaining whitepapers in the series covering loyalty in Fuel Retail and Luxury.

Each report will be led by one of The Loyalty People's Associate Consultants, who will be providing valuable insight based on their extensive sector experience, and complimented with expert advice from Comarch.

Click on the link below to download Airline Loyalty Report.

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