Post Covid Loyalty: How Has It Changed?
28th July 2022
Written by Tom Peace
Like with many aspects of life, the pandemic had a huge impact on customer loyalty.
Now’s the time for businesses to listen to their customers, evolve their loyalty programs and broader loyalty strategies to meet the new needs of the post-pandemic world!
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We’ve uncovered five stats from recent surveys that suggest a shift to a new way of loyalty is needed. Check them out! 👇
45% said their brand preferences had shifted during the pandemic, with 62% of them expecting the change to be permanent.
93% of buyers say COVID has changed their behaviour toward shopping. They’re primarily buying online as much as possible.
49% of consumers made a purchase specifically with the intention of supporting local small businesses during the crisis.
88% of customers expect companies to accelerate digital initiatives due to COVID-19.
69% of customers say companies should offer new ways to get products and services.