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NEW Loyalty White Paper from Mando-Connect and YouGov

24th March 2022

Written by Tom Peace


NEW Loyalty White Paper from Mando-Connect and YouGov

24th March 2022

Written by Tom Peace

What the Brits want from Loyalty

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The Loyalty People are delighted to provide our members with access to the latest "What Brits want from Loyalty" report. A collaboration between Mando Connect and YouGov, now in it's third year.

This is a great read for anyone interested in loyalty trends as it uncovers some really interesting developments. Here's what Charlie Hills, MD and Head of Strategy at Mando-Connect, had to say about the report.

“We are very excited to publish our 3rd edition of “What the British want from loyalty programmes”. This year’s paper is our most in depth yet, exploring British attitudes to and participation in loyalty at a national, segment and sector level, what motivates Brits to join programmes and what keeps them engaged and the impact that loyalty programmes have. It provides clear direction for what to focus on in 2022 and beyond. We hope it provides invaluable insight for loyalty marketers everywhere and are excited to share it this month. If any members of The Loyalty People would like to find out more, please just get in touch with me, we are delighted to share our insight and help improve programmes everywhere.”

Click below to download the report

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