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New Fuel Retail Loyalty Whitepaper in Conjunction with Comarch

9th June 2023

Written by Tom Peace


New Fuel Retail Loyalty Whitepaper in Conjunction with Comarch

9th June 2023

Written by Tom Peace

New Whitepaper Release

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The Loyalty People are working with our partner Comarch to deliver a series of 6 sector whitepapers that provide invaluable insight into specific challenges and solutions to drive customer engagement and profitable growth.

Our fifth whitepaper on Fuel Retail Loyalty, has been written by Steve Grout, our sector expert.

Steve will talk about the worth of fuel and the significance of establishing emotional relationships with customers in this white paper. He has extensive loyalty experience spanning more than 30 years in the business, including work with Shell and ExxonMobil.

Sami Nachawati, from Comarch will provide priceless insight into the industry based on their vast expertise in the fuel retail sector.

They will both focus on what will be crucial for the retail fuel market going forward and provide more insights into the new convenience trend.

Our last whitepaper in the series is covering loyalty in the Luxury sector, and will be delivered in July.

Each report its lead by one of The Loyalty People's Associate Consultants, who provide valuable insight based on their extensive sector experience, and complimented with expert advice from Comarch.

Click on the link below to download Fuel Retail Loyalty Report.

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