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CLMP Workshop Review

27th March 2023

Written by Tom Peace


CLMP Workshop Review

27th March 2023

Written by Tom Peace

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Emotion promotion: the new rules of loyalty for the post-COVID era

We are extremely proud to have hosted the first continental European CLMP training event last week in Amsterdam, with a 100% pass rate!!!

Huge thanks to our sponsors Antavo, Sparta Loyalty and Snipp Interactive as well as Margaret Meraw from The Loyalty Academy for running the course and Deon Olivier for supporting Tom Peace as host.

29 trainees attended the course with a mix of brands and service providers from across Europe. We even had one course member all the way from New York!

So what did we learn...

First of all, there is obviously a really strong desire for the Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional training here in Europe. Watch this space for future dates!

A few other topics that created hot debate...

Blockchain has significant applications in loyalty, with regard to securely issuing and sharing rewards and exclusive offers - However, the experts in the room weren't sure about the Metaverse or NFT's having much staying power.

Points programs are definitely not dead - but there are lots of other ways to drive engagement and retention. And Points are best utilised in specific sectors where value can be accrued quickly, it's not for everyone.

There was also lots of really strong debate about rational benefits versus emotional connections and it's great to see the workshop teams really focusing on the "softer" benefits when designing their programs for the final assessment.

Looking forward to the next event...

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